Saturday, November 15, 2008


Few can live without a mobile phone these days. That ubiquitous contraption has evolved from being a status symbol to a necessity faster than any invention.

I own a Nokia E61i - huge by ordinary standards but it has served me well for over a year now. Of late, I notice that I treat the device - which I oh-so-adore only a few months ago - as somewhat of a nuisance. And it's not only me who feel the same. At least one of my colleagues share the same sentiments.

The reason? We have all been inundated with calls and SMSes, due to the boss' recent elevation. They range from congratulatory messages ("Your boss is the besttest!!...") , suggestions ("You tell your boss this is how to save the planet..."), or complaints (no example for this one, haha). Naturally, I also received calls and SMS-es from journos ("Who ah will he appoint as sec-gen?" was a common one).

I believe many of these calls and short-messages were made and sent out of sincerity and without malice. But being at the receiving end of the avalance of communication at a time when your workload has also increased sharply truly tests one's patience. And of late, that virtue is running thin, not only in me, but also my wife who has to put up with a phone which can't tell the difference between office-hour and family time.

In the office now, here is one common reaction among aides every time our phone rings or beeps: A painful grimace even before knowing who the caller/ sender is. This is followed by sheer reluctance to reach for the device and later, the moment of truth, which induces either a deep sigh or great relieve. Sadly, it is often the former nowadays.

Officially, my scope of duties does not include dealing with many of the characters who call or send SMSes. But working for a public figure, there is no way I can brush them off. (Ok, I DO have ways to get around the irritating ones, but that's a topic I'd rather not blog about). I call this POPO or Paradox Of Phone Ownership - You really need it, but you wish you don't.

Actually, there's still quite a bit for me to share on this subject, ranging from the bizarre to the outrageous calls I have received. But then again, my phone is ringing...


Anonymous said...

Time to get two or three or four phones... or better still, a secretary (or two)!
I can imagine how stressful it is; there were times that I refused to answer my phone even though I don't get half as many calls as you. I simply ask people to sms or email, and I reply later if not urgent. Otherwise, can never finish work if the interruptions don't stop.

kumhor said...

if u want, there's this cool software for your phone. one interesting feature is that it can be configured in such a way that ALL callers hear the engaged tone -except the few numbers you allow.

and u know who are those people who called you.

i used it on my nokia for a while, but that was a trial verion, where i can't use all features unless i pay.

pretty neat come to think of it.

Sundaelicious said...

I have the same phone as you and yes, i like it very much too. Although i am not even half as busy as you lah....!