Thursday, March 19, 2009

Parliamen-tree Dislikes

Here are some top reasons why I dread Parliament sessions (in random order):

  • I have no idea whether I need to be in the House until the very last minute because some smart alec decided that the Order Papers for the following day is only ready after 5pm.

  • If I need to be there, I have to wake up extra early to beat the jam, especially now that the whole world is using the Besraya highway which has stopped collecting toll at Salak Jaya, which ought to be a good thing, but somehow, on days I need to make official trips to the Parliament, it is not.

  • I need to tug my laptop back home more frequently, given the boss' uncertain schedule when the August House meets.

  • I need to help scrutinise some sleep-inducing papers (eg MP's queries on the Ministry's plans to expand airports in places you never quite knew airports existed).

  • On certain days you never know what time you get to leave. For example, during the winding up on the mini Budget, the team waited for hours for the Ministry's turn. But surprises, surprises, we did not make it because the day's session had to end at 10.30pm. Did I say 10.30pm?

  • The food sucks in Parliament.

  • I blog less when there is sitting (that may be quite obvious).
The Lower House meets for an extra three days next week. Phew, the end is near.

Senate, which sits the following week, should be more bearable I hope.


Anonymous said...

Parking, you forgot the horrible parking nightmare in Parliament.

kumhor said...

yes, parking is horrendous!

some other points i missed too:

- when dewan rakyat is in session, cabinet is on fridays, which means there is no free pre-post-cabinet lunch traditionally served on wednesdays.

- and when post-cabinets are on fridays, boss will likely stay in ofis till late and fridays are when i need to be home early for the kids and stuff...